Leeds Mindfulness, Well-being, & Spirituality Centre
- Secular Mindfulness
- Emotional Well-being
- Positive Emotion Enhancement
- Interfaith Exploration
- Psycho-spiritual Integration
Mindfulness at the Museum
This is Tuesdays 2.30pm at the Gatehouse Museum Building over the road from Kirkstall Abbey.
Please book via tel 0799 9218450 (Steve Hart)
Cost : Pay As You Feel but as guidance recommend a minimum donation of £5.
- We practise two led meditation practises and are soon to enter a theme of practising formless meditation – opening to and exploring the heart as a space deeper than surface feelings and emotions, opening out into limitless space yet remaining present and grounded.
- We will also learn to let go of clinging and trusting the vast resource of Indestructible Heart Essence.
- Inspired by Zen we will learn not to grasp or push away in our practise leading to an authentic deep witnessing of naturalness and openness.
Buddhist Tantra and visualisation
Practising Zen and Peacemaking
Myth & the Imagination
A Day Retreat
“The Guru Principle & Limitless Light”
led by Steve Hart
Sat 25 January
at Insight for Wellbeing Meditation House, bottom of the garden of 11c Allerton Park, Chapel Allerton, LS7 4ND (also the home of activities for Rajeshwari Tantra)
11am-4pm cost : £30
We may have mixed feelings about the idea of a “guru”. Certainly there has been a lot of bad press over the decades of transgressions against dignity and politics and power play in groups – whether dramatically or subtly. In this retreat we will not be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. We will be exploring receptivity to higher sources of inspiration in meditation and we will also be connecting with the inner guru – our discernment which we develop alongside our receptivity. The meditation will explore the deeper significance of the heart and we will look at heartwish – the deeper spaciousness of sanity beyond our surface feelings and emotions.
Please bring your own lunch and to book ring Steve on 0799921850. Feel free to ring for further information or send an email to leeds.mindfulness@gmail.com
Embodying White and Green Tara
Sat 22 Feb 11am-4pm £30
Exploring the sacred feminine with visualising and embodying Green and White Tara, the female Buddha of active compassion and long life/ We will also be practising bodyscan and select some readings from the ancient “Dhammapada”
Insight for Wellbeing/Rajeshwari Tantra Meditation House,
11 c Allerton Park,
Chapel Allerton, LS7
The Meditation House is at the bottom of the garden of 11c Allerton Park. To book please ring Steve Hart on 07999218450.
Details of all these events will all be published on our new website nearer the time, or keep in touch via Facebook.
Contact us
You are welcome to call for more information, or to email Steve at:
About the Organiser/Facilitator

Lead Facilitator, Steve Hart (Suleiman Salaam, Shinchi Daishin)
- Steve Hart is known in Zen circles as “Shin Chi Dai Shin” (Great Wisdom Deep Heart) and is a dharma holder and vision holder in the UK Zen Peacemaker scene.
(More Detail: At present Steve is revisiting how to organise the UK Peacemaker meetings and is also holding retreats based on Buddhist “immanence” in Zen, Mahamudra, Dzogchen and Buddhist Tantric visualisation practise.)
- Steve also has a rich inter-religious background and training and is an initiated dervish in the Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi community and enjoys friendships with sufi practitioners in the UK
- Steve organises the annual Kirkstall Abbey Mindfulness Festival which is a home for people seeking stress reduction and pain management as well as those seeking a spiritual space of practise. Steve invites teachers from other traditions also to lead workshops and sessions. Steve formally trained in and led sessions at Leeds Buddhist Centre where he enjoys much inspiration from friends who are in teaching roles at the Centre – a space he warmly recommends.
- Another sangha space Steve enthuses about is Awakened Heart Sangha – a home for all those seeking to intuit and trust the vastness in the heart.
- A vital space he supports and visits is Rajeshwari Tantra where Steve has received many Shaivite practises including the mandala of the 5 Elemental Dakinis from Zeenat Cameron. These are practises useful for replenishing lost energy and promote inspiration and healing.
- One of Steve’s passions is in sharing loving kindness meditation which he has been practising since 1992 and teaching since 1999. Crucial to Steve’s approach is trusting the sacred feminine and the inspiration of the Imaginal, the mythic and visualisation.